Highland Cattle

The estate has been involved with Highland cattle for over six decades. The Benmore Fold was started by Judy Bowser back in 1946.
Over the years, Mrs Bowser became a well-respected breeder and past president of the Highland Cattle Society. She was asked to judge at many shows including the Royal Highland and the Great Yorkshire.

We have had many successes including champions at agricultural shows such as the Royal Highland and top prices at Livestock Sales.

Our own success and those of other breeders can be seen at the Highland Cattle Society website.
Beef Shorthorn Cattle
In 2014, we bought in some shorthorn cattle to develop and diversify the herd at Innishewan Farm.
Alongside the pedigree cattle, we are developing a commercial herd of cross Native breed cattle.
For further information on traditional Native Breeds, please go to the Rare Breeds Survival Trust website.

Blackface Sheep

The Blackface sheep are ideally suited to the hills in Glen Dochart and they have been crossed over the years with Swaledale tups to improve the milk yields in ewes.
Blue Leicester & Mules
Recently, as a commercial venture we have introduced Blue-faced Leicesters to cross with the “blackies” to produce Mules, which are always in demand at market.